Discover the new tools coming to iLearn in Session 2, 2018 that will give your teaching a boost.
Interactive and engaging content using H5P
H5P was trialled in Session 1, to help make teaching content in iLearn units more interactive and engaging for students. The tool comes with a great range of options for designing engaging content. Examples include:
- Interactive videos, presentations and quizzes
- Flash cards for language learning
- Image hotspots for clinical images
- Timelines for visualising a history
Personalise learning and messaging for students
Personalised learning designer (PLD) is a tool that can be set up for a variety of purposes, with one of the most useful being messaging to students. PLD allows you to set up automatic messages to students triggered at specific times or by certain actions with information that is right for them. Here are some example messages you can get set up right now:
- Display a reminder to students who haven’t completed an assessment activity
- A welcome notification to students directing them to read the Unit Guide
- Directing students to extra resources if they fall below a certain mark in an assessment
- Encouragement messages and extension activities for students performing well
Anonymous marking and multiple markers in Turnitin
Multiple Markers allows for multiple teaching staff to mark Turnitin submissions. Each separate marker’s comments are visible and able to be filtered in Feedback Studio by students and teaching staff.
Anonymous Marking can now be enabled when setting up your assignments in Turnitin. Teaching staff can mark Turnitin submissions with all identifying fields removed (i.e. they won’t know the identity of the student).
Videos in iLearn
If you like to create videos for your students to watch in iLearn, you can now do this seamlessly and securely using iShare, Macquarie’s learning resource repository. Uploading your videos through the iShare integration gives you the ability to store and stream videos through Kaltura (Macquarie’s video repository system) or YouTube (using the Macquarie iLearn channel). iShare will generate a link, as well as an embed code that you can use to display videos within iLearn pages. This will provide an alternative to uploading your videos directly to iLearn, which will slow down your pages, or linking from another external site such as Vimeo.
This option has previously been available on request for iLearn support staff to upload a video for you, but it is now open to all Macquarie teaching staff.
Learning analytics with iLearn Insights
The Learning Innovation Hub has developed a new, easy-to-use iLearn reporting tool, iLearn Insights. This will be piloted in Session 2 and we are looking for Unit Convenors to be part of the pilot.
Functionality includes:
- quickly digest a snapshot of activity in your unit
- determine marking workload and progress
- track student performance
- identify students that are not engaging and may be falling behind
- visualise student engagement in activities, eg forums, and quizzes
- chart the timing and spread of assessment tasks
Come along to see a demonstration of the tool and try it out in your unit.
Please contact if you would like more information about how you can take advantage of these new tools and features in your teaching!
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